Saturday, January 16, 2010

Multi-Org Credit Checking and Global Exposure [ID 209479.1]

Global exposure involves credit check using overall exposure calculated from
ALL ORGANIZATIONS (this is the term associated with Gobal Exposure) or credit
exposure calculations using SINGLE organization.

There are two levels available for this type of credit checking:

1. Customer level credit checking and the overall credit limit defined at
this level will be used.

2. Org Default level credit checking and the overall credit limit defined
at this level will be used.

3. Site level and Item category level are not applicable to global exposure
because customer sites are specific to an organization only and currently
the item category credit checking is limited only to the specific sale order
being credit checked.

4. Global Exposure usage:

Site Level: Not Available
Customer Level: Available
Item Category Level: Not Available
Customer Default Level: Available

5. In order to enable Global Exposure, Navigate to Order Management Super User &
Setup > Credit > Define Credit Usage Rules. Enable a checkbox option
"Global Exposure". If a rule has been assigned to a credit profile,
then modification of the rule set is not allowed. If a rule is new or
not assigned to a credit profile, then modification is allowed.

6. There are two different currency modes that can be implemented.
Navigate to System Administrator > Profile > System and query
up the profile AR: Credit Limit profile. The valid values are either

7. If currently using SINGLE currency mode, the following needs to be performed:

a. Navigate to System Administrator > Profile > System and query up the
AR: Credit Limit Selection. Set this to MULTI.

b. Navigate to Order Management Super User > Setup > Credit - Define
Usage Rule Sets. Create a usage rule set and check the 'Global Exposure&

c. Navigate to Order Management Super User > Setup > Credit >
Assign the usage rules. Assign the usage rules to the Customer profile
and/or Org default profile type.

d. Navigate to Order Management Super User > Setup > Credit >
Initialize the Summary tables if using Pre-Calculate Exposure. This
will populate
the summary table with credit exposure information. The Pre-Calculate
Exposure and use of the summary tables is controlled by a flag
in Order Management Super User > Setup > Credit > Define Credit
Rule > Exposure tab.

e. Navigate to Order Management Super User > Reports and select the
Credit Exposure Report to verify the exposure amounts.

8. If in MULTI currency mode, a new Usage Rule set can be created or
and existing Usage Rule set can be updated. In order to create a new
Usage Rule Set:

a. Navigate to Order Management Super User > Setup > Credit >
Define Usage Rule Setups
b. Check the Global Exposure checkbox

c. Create/Update the required Customer level credit profile limits
in one of two ways. Navigate to Order Management Super User >
Setup > Customer > Profile Class and create a profile class
by navigating to Order Management Super User > Setup > Customer >
Profile Class.

d. Either create a Customer Level credit profile limit or create
the Default Organization level credit profile limits.

e. To establish a Customer Level credit profile, either establish
credit limits using a profile class group name or define credit
limits on a specific customer.

f. Navigate to Order Management Super User > Setup > Credit > Profile
Class. Name the class and click the credit check checkbox in the Profile
Class tab. Change to the Profile Class Amounts tab and enter a
credit limit that will be associated with this class. An example
of profile classes might be Excellent (credit rating), Average (credit
rating), or High Risk (credit rating).

g. Associating the profile class with the customer will.
establish this
credit limit to a group of customers. The advantage is that one
change to a profile class will establish the new credit limit to all
customers associated with the profile class rather than changing each
customer individually.

h. To associate the profile class to the customer, navigate to Order Management
Super User > Customer > Standard. Query up the customer and enter
the profile class in the Profile: Transaction tab and check the
Credit Check checkbox.

i. If there are exceptions to the profile class assignments or a customer
has specific credit limits, in the Order Management Super User >
Customer > Standard > Profile Amounts tab, enter an overall credit
limit and order credit limit. This amount will override any profile
class that has been established.

j. To establish a default Organization level credit, navigate to
Order Management Super User > Credit > Define Profile Class and
create a profile class of type Organization Default. Now establish
the credit limits. These credit limits will be used during the
credit checking process if there is no customer credit limit

k. Assign the usage rules to the Customer and/or Org default type profiles
by navigating to Order Management Super User > Credit > Assign Usage

l. Run the Initialize Credit Summaries by navigating to Order Managment
Super User > Credit > Initialize Credit Summaries. This will perform
the pre-exposure calculations that populate summary tables. If using
pre-exposure calculations make sure the flag is set in Order Management
Super User > Credit > Define Credit Check Rules > Exposure tab.

m. Run the Credit Exposure Report to verify exposure amounts by
navigating to Order Management Super User > Reports, Requests >
Reports > Credit Exposure report.

9. In order to update an existing Usage Rule set in MULTI currency mode:

a. The usage rule set can be currently either not assigned or assigned to
any credit profile.

b. If the Usage rule set is not assigned yet to any credit profile,
navigate to Order Management Super User > Credit > Define Usage
Rule Set and check the Global Exposure checkbox. Also, assign
the usage rule with the customer profile and/or org default using
Order Management Super User > Credit > Assign the Usage Rule.

c. Next, run the Initialize Credit Summaries by navigating to
Order Management Super User > Credit > Initialize Credit Summaries.
This will populate the summary tables with pre-exposure information.
When using pre-exposure calculation, make sure the flag is set in
Order Management Super User > Credit > Define Credit Check Rules >
Exposure tab.

d. Run the Credit Exposure Report by navigating to Order Management
Super User > Report,Request > Credit Exposure Report.

e. If the usage rule set is already assigned, unassign the usage rule
set. The system does not allow updates to an existing usage rule
set that has already been assigned. Navigate to Order Management
Super User > Credit Assign usage rule set and unassign.

f. Update customer credit limits.

g. Update Usage Rule Sets within Order Management Super User > Credit >
Define Usage Rules and check the option Global Exposure.

h. Reassign the usage rule with the appropriate Customer profile and/or
Org default using Assign Usage Rules under Order Managment > Setup
Credit > Assign Usage Rules.

i. Navigate to Order Management Super User > Credit > Initialize
Credit Summaries to populate the summary tables with the pre-calculate
credit exposure information.

j. Navigate to Order Management Super User > Reports,Requests > Reports
and run the Credit Exposure Report and verify the exposure amounts.

10. During Booking and Pick release/shipp.
ing process, the multi-currency
credit engine api is called and gets the exposure. It uses the following
as input data:

Order Management Orders from ALL Organizations
AR Exposure from ALL Organizations
Usage Rules (Order Managment > Credit > Define Usage Rules)
Credit Profiles (Order Management > Credit > Define Credit Profiles)
Usage Rule Assignments (Order Management > Credit > Assign Usage Rules)
Credit Check Rule (Order Management > Credit > Define Credit Check Rule)

Note: The credit check rule is associated with a transaction type in
Order Management Superuser > Setup > Transaction Type > Define &
Credit Check Rule block.

10. There have been some modifications to existing tables. Columns have
been added.

same column in HZ_CUST_PROFILE_AMTS.

b. The PROFILE_CLASS_ID column in HZ_CUST_PROFILE_CLASSES table maps to
this same column in HZ_CUST_PROF_CLASS_AMTS.

c. The CREDIT_PROFILE_ID column in HZ_CREDIT_PROFILES table maps to
this same column in HZ_CREDIT_PROFILE_AMTS.

d. The above six tables can be mapped to the HZ_CREDIT_USAGES table using

e. HZ_CREDIT_USAGES contains a unique record derived from the above
tables. The CREDIT_USAGE_ID column uniquely identifies the rows and
the row will also contain a column called the CREDIT_USAGE_RULE_SET_ID.

f. The column CREDIT_USAGE_RULE_SET_ID points to a column in the
can be found. From this table can be derived the CREDIT_USAGE_RULE_ID column
that will map to the HZ_CREDIT_USAGE_RULES.

11. Here are the package bodies and modified procedures that include the global
exposure credit checking functionality:

OE_CREDIT_CHECK_ORDER_PVT (Check_order_exposure)
OE_CREDIT_CHECK_LINES_PVT (Check_Order_Lines_Exposure)
OE_CREDIT_CHECK_UTIL (Get_order_exposure and Get_Limit_Info)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

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