Saturday, February 27, 2010

Debugging the Approval Workflow for Purchase Order or Purchase Requisition

Debugging the Approval Workflow for Purchase Order or Purchase Requisition

Step 1

Review the action history of the document having a problem. This is done in the Purchasing Summary screens – either Requisitions –> Requisitions Summary or Purchase Orders –> Purchase Order Summary. If you attempt to view the action history and you receive the following error:

APP-14288 This document is either incomplete or you do not have access to it

Then this represents that Workflow has not yet performed a submit into the action history table. The document approval manager performs the action of submitting a record into the Action History and therefore is required to be running. It should be confirmed that the document approval manager is running.

Step 2

Notification Summary – review the Notification Summary for the user that submitted the document. Are there any notifications present? Because online form messaging alerts are now present in the form of notifications, it is imperative that the summary be reviewed for any informative notifications explaining in more detail as to the problem.

Step 3

Confirmation that the Workflow Background Process has been run via the System Administrator responsibility.

This is done via Requests –> Run within the System Administrator Responsibility. The parameters should be the Item Type – PO or Requisition Approval and then

Processed Deferred = Yes, Process Time Out = Yes. Process Stuck = Yes if the Process Stuck parameter is available.

Step 4

Ensure that all tables contain the necessary space to record the Workflow processing data. As users submit a document for Approval and the Workflow process is called, data is recorded into a series of Workflow tables. To quickly confirm whether the tables are having space limitations or not? Run the following in SQL:

select value

from v$parameter

where name like ‘background_dump_dest’;

The value returned by this SQL statement represents the location of the alert log on the database server,

For the instance in question. Please ask the Database Administrator to review the latest entries into the alert.log to confirm if any errors are being thrown with regards to table space.

The most common scenario that has been linked to table space, is when a user hits the ‘Approve’ button in the approval screen, only to have nothing happen. There is no message returned stating document has been submitted for Approval, nothing happens. The hourglass comes for 1 second, and then leaves, and the approval form is still present. This is most likely a table space issue.

Step 5

Workflow Monitor from the Purchase Summary screens. Utilize the Workflow monitor to track the path which the document has taken during its submission to Workflow. Some important milestones to look for in the Workflow monitor are ‘Can Owner Approve’ and ‘Does Approver have Approval Authority’. Are there any processes that contain errors? Or does it appear that a process has stopped at a point that is incorrect?

Example is if a process stopped at a point that is not referencing a notification or some other request point for user interaction.

(Reference from Brother Ahmed Bilal Blog)

Monday, February 1, 2010

Supplier , Supplier site open interface

The intent of the Supplier Open Interface Import is to emulate the entry of Suppliers, Sites, and Contacts through the Supplier Entry form as closely as possible. As such, there are many values that will be automatically defaulted if not
provided by the user.

These defaults for Suppliers can come from AP_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL, FINANCIALS_SYSTEM_PARAMS_ALL, PO_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS.ALL, RCV_PARAMETERS, or hard-coded values. As these source tables are organized by operating unit and the supplier data is not, the Suppliers Open Interface Import program assigns a default organization to each run based on the responsibility of the user initiating the concurrent request. This is necessary in order to determine which default values to
assign to supplier records.

The defaults for Supplier Sites generally come from the Supplier record. However, in certain cases due to multiple organizations considerations, it is necessary to default values for Supplier Sites from AP_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL or FINANCIALS_SYSTEM_PARAMS_ALL.


As with defaults, the validations performed by the Open Interface programs are intended to emulate the processing done by the Supplier Entry form. In addition to checks done at the database level for correct data types, these validations include
checks performed against existing lookup values or values derived from other tables. When these types of validations are done, a check is performed to make sure that the value supplied is that of an active record, a record that has not been end-dated or disabled.
Details of the validations performed can be found in the descriptions for the AP_SUPPLIERS_INT, AP_SUPPLIER_SITES_INT, and AP_SUP_SITE_CONTACT_INT tables.


If an invalid value is encountered when the concurrent process is evaluating each row, the ’REJECT_CODE’ column is populated with the relevant rejection message and the ’STATUS’ is updated to ’REJECTED’. Processing on that row then stops and the
program moves on to the next row.

1. Fisrt Create suppliers with minimum information as mentioned below:


2. Create Supplier site with minimum information as mentioned below:


If using in multi org environment enter value for SHIP_TO_LOCATION_CODE, BILL_TO_LOCATION_CODE.

In our case we have used below info:

Note: I have selected many columns but these are not required. After payment_currency_code no coulmn is required except Org_id, supplier_notif_method, email_address

select * from XX_BCS_SITE

create table XX_BCS_SITE (
vendor_id VARCHAR2(200),
vendor_site_code VARCHAR2(200),
attention_ar_flag VARCHAR2(200),
address_line1 VARCHAR2(200),
address_line2 VARCHAR2(200),
address_line3 VARCHAR2(200),
city VARCHAR2(200),
state VARCHAR2(200),
zip VARCHAR2(200),
province VARCHAR2(200),
country VARCHAR2(200),
area_code VARCHAR2(200),
phone VARCHAR2(200),
fax VARCHAR2(200),
fax_area_code VARCHAR2(200),
payment_method_lookup_code VARCHAR2(200),
invoice_currency_code VARCHAR2(200),
payment_currency_code VARCHAR2(200),
attribute1 VARCHAR2(200),
attribute2 VARCHAR2(200),
attribute3 VARCHAR2(200),
attribute4 VARCHAR2(200),
vat_registration_num VARCHAR2(200),
org_id VARCHAR2(200),
address_line4 VARCHAR2(200),
county VARCHAR2(200),
supplier_notif_method VARCHAR2(200),
email_address VARCHAR2(200))

Insert into XX_BCS_SITE values
('1351','DAMMAM','N','PO BOX 1053, DAMMAM 31431','','',
'DAMMAM','','31431','','SA','+966 3','8472466','8471812',
'8471293','CHECK','SAR','SAR','8472466 8471812 8471293',
'','','TEL :8472466 8471812FAX 8471293',

3.Enter supplier contact information as below:

create table XX_BCS_SUP_CONTACT (
vendor_site_id VARCHAR2(200),
area_code VARCHAR2(200),
phone VARCHAR2(200),
org_id VARCHAR2(200))

Insert into XX_BCS_SUP_CONTACT values ('517','','','MS. PAMELA VENGLAR','','','','292');
Insert into XX_BCS_SUP_CONTACT values ('1403','','','MR. OSAMA SAMI','','','','292');


set STATUS = 'NEW'

Note: For all the above three tables STATUS must be NEW. While submitting the request Supplier Open Interface Import,Supplier

Sites Open Interface Import,Supplier Site Contacts Open Interface Import the Import Option in the parameter must be NEW.